Delivering the SDGs - Delivering Change

by Stephen Browne and Thomas G. Weiss

The UN urgently needs to reform to be fit to support its Member States in realising Agenda 2030

In an article in UNA-UK's new publication 'Sustainable Development Goals: Delivering Change', FUNDS co-Directors outline the five key responsibilities related to the SDGs that will challenge the UN's analytical and political competence, and ask: Is the current UN up to these challenges? They warn that it is hard to be sanguine if we take into account the modest levels of technical competence and the absence of coordination of country-based teams. In the future, much will therefore depend on the proposed reforms put forward by Secretary-General António Guterres in December 2017. It must not be underestimated how challenging it will be to put into effect these changes, without which the UNDS will remain a feeble partner. 

Read 'Delivering the SDGs' in full here.



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